Monday, January 10, 2011

An Oldie but a Goodie

I wrote this last year about January and winter.  Thought it would be nice to share it again.
I like January. The kids are back in school. The days are getting longer. The Christmas/Solstice decorations are put away. Trying to figure out where the tree will go. (This year, Mike threw it out the back door and there it stays) (2009's tree got put in the dumpster and 2010's is out the back door).

January is a time for Mother Nature to hold her breath and gather energy for the big push of spring. This year we are having a rainy January, which means we are having a gray, wet, muddy mess but a welcome mess in Ca.

January is when BB was born. Almost smack dab in the middle of the month. So there's the hurry and rush of getting his birthday here and his party done.

January is a month of waiting. Look at any tree and see the buds that are ready to pop. See the different color of the new growth on the leafless trees. The bulbs are all nestled in the ground ready to SPRING forth when the time is right. The animals are waiting to shed and the wild ones are waiting to wake up.

January is a month of possiblities. Of opening a new calandar and dreaming of all the things that one wants to do. Of making plans and finding ways to complete them.

Finally January is a month of being back to normal after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. A time for me to catch my breath and wait for the busy months of spring ahead.


  1. Doing a little catch up here on your blog. This is a beautiful post. And fairy photo below too cute! Will have to go check out BB's blog.

  2. Thanks Jess. I hope you like BB's blog also!
